November 10, 2017

Upgrade GLPI 0.90.1 to 9.2 and Configure Email Notification (09/11/2017)

Before Upgrade you need:
I) Backup of your old configuration
- First of all, please perform the following operations :

- Backup your database through the use of backup interface.
- Backup the full directory where GLPI is installed (including the SQL database backup and your documents.
II) Retrieve and install files
- Download lastest version tarball available from download section on the website (http://glpi-project)
- GLPI 9.2 requires minimum version of 5.6 for PHP, 

- if your version PHP not ok, you need to upgrade PHP version, read this post

III) Update process start
1) Launch your web browser on this address

2) Check error & Click Upgrade to continue


- Install Zend Opcache
- Install Apcu

#yum install php-pecl-zendopcache
#yum install php-pecl-apcu
#service httpd restart

SELinux boolean configuration for  httpd_can_sendmail ==> unknown (Some features may require this to be on)

SELinux boolean configuration for  httpd_can_network_connect  ==> unknown (Some features may require this to be on)

SELinux boolean configuration for  httpd_can_network_connect_db ==> unknown (Some features may require this to be on)


# sestatus -b | grep -i sendmail
Which revealed
#httpd_can_sendmail off 
#logging_syslogd_can_sendmail off

This meant that the beloved apache server was hatefully not allowed to send out emails

# setsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail 1

# setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1

# setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_db 1

3) Click Use GLPI to proceed.

IV) Setup Notification

and send a test mail

V) Create a ticket 

Assigned Ticket to a staff

Check mail administrator & staff


Done, thank you so much...

Review install glpi here


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