August 25, 2015

Copy files on all computers using group policy

Group policy is very handy when you want to do some repetitive boring tasks on multiple machines, it saves time, and it is always error free. Example of files can be copied through GPO on computer is Dll file or can be portable EXE files for users (ie putty.exe).

One of my subordinates got an activity to copy putty.exe on all the windows servers arount 1200. Isn't it boring. So I proposed him automated solution and this how I achieved the task in couple of minutes. I copied Putty.exe to share folder and Read permissions given to Authenticated user under sharing and security. My shared network path name is \\AD002\files.
 Above screenshot is for sharing and below is for security, Autheticated users has Read permissions.
Copy putty.exe on share path.
Open group policy management tool on domain controller or your PC if you have installed administrative tools.go to Group Policy objects, right click and new GPO. Give it some name (Copy_Putty)

Right click and Edit Copy_Putty policy.
Now go to Computer Configuration>> Preferences>>Windows Settings>>Files>> New>>File.
Source is the my shared file location here I have copied my Putty.exe and from here it will be copied to destination c:\windows on all servers.
This is how policy looks, Close it
Its  time to attach policy to OU where my computers reside. Go to that OU right click and link an Existing GPO.
 Select Group Policy Copy_Putty from list.

Its all done now you have wait either for next 90 mins or run GPupdate /force on computers you will see Putty.exe file present under C:\windows folder.

Now user can use find program putty for ssh into linux.


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